Deriving the formula for the Homography Matrix
Recently at work I was researching ML approaches to image matching, specifically SuperGlue / MAST3R / ALIKED and some similar methods. The interesting part in all this was to find out that Supe...
Recently at work I was researching ML approaches to image matching, specifically SuperGlue / MAST3R / ALIKED and some similar methods. The interesting part in all this was to find out that Supe...
Recently I did my 8th lecture, which was named “Diffusion for 3D” and was basically an intro to text-to-3D and 3D-editing approaches, which lately mostly consist of smart NeRF+diffusion model combi...
I made a dumb thing in like 4 hours. And I love it. I just suddenly had the urge of adding something to my website. And I have a notion table of recipes with some notes. And I don’t like using Not...
My favorite cooking YouTuber, Ethan Chlebowski, has launched his vision of the perfect recipe website: It feels like nobody had seriously tackled this before: F...
I gave a talk recently about 3D Data Compression that I’m very proud of. Covered a whole lot of ideas: Mesh/Animation compression for Game Development Various ideas in research for Mesh compr...
I’m a big fan of the idea of preserving as many “useful” links as possible. A while ago I managed to educate myself about a lot of things in Computer Graphics and Machine Learning because of the gr...
~2 weeks ago out of pure interest for the topic, I decided to google whether there are papers about methods used in Quest 2 for SLAM / other kinds of tracking. I was really surprised when I found t...
Introduction I’ve been updating myself on the most major advancements in the field of 3D reconstruction and text-to-3D over the past year, and I’ve seen lots of tricks to improve performance, refor...
Skip to here if you want the juicy technical insights right away Motivation When thinking about applications of good Hand Tracking, my imagination is just going all over the place. Stuff like: UI ...
UPD: I already updated my website, so it doesn’t use this black-gold palette anymore, but here’s the screenshot: It was based on the Eleventy-Duo theme So I wanted to redesign my personal websit...